I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family who breastfed. I knew I would like to try and breastfeed my children.
After experiencing fertility struggles, hyperemesis and traumatic births, breastfeeding has given me back the control on my body that I had lost and provided me with a sense of purpose.
The start of both of my feeding journeys were not easy, and both experiences were so different. I faced plenty of challenges including cracked nipples, favouring one side over the other, mastitis, high palette and extreme gag reflex.
However, with the incredible support from my partner and a lot of practice and patience I managed to overcome the difficulties and continue breastfeeding.
My goal was to feed my son until he reached a year, that first year flew by and we continued for another 3 and a 1/2 years. I am now 20 months into breastfeeding my daughter and plan to stop when she is ready.
I am extremely passionate about breastfeeding and how it works and still find it incredible what our bodies can do.
In 2019 I became an infant feeding peer supporter. Breastfeeding my children has been so much more than I expected it to be, and I feel really lucky to experience the bond I have with them.
Apart from my children, breastfeeding them both has been my greatest achievement.