How does my body prepare for breastfeeding?

Your body has been preparing itself for breastfeeding right from the start of your pregnancy. The blood supply to your breasts increases during pregnancy, and your milk ducts and milk-producing cells develop more with each pregnancy that you have.

Breast Size Doesn’t Matter

The size of your breasts before pregnancy, and how much they grow during pregnancy, has no effect on how much milk you’ll be able to produce for your baby.

Embracing Postpartum Changes

When your baby is born and you deliver the placenta, your body goes from ‘pregnant mode’ to ‘milk making mode’ as levels of the hormone progesterone drop. As your baby feeds, you should experience an increase in the amount of milk produced in the coming days and weeks.

Pregnant mother getting support from a peer supporter

To learn more about breastfeeding you can

  • Talk to other mums who are breastfeeding or connect with women who have breastfeed before. Pop along to one of our Beside You socials
  • Have a look through the information on our website
  • Pop along to one of our antenatal Hello Baby sessions. These are one hour sessions aimed to provide you with all the information you need about feeding your baby
  • Watch our ‘Before baby arrives’ playlist to find out how your body prepares for breastfeeding while you’re pregnant, how your partner can support you, and what to expect in the first day or two of your baby’s life
Baby breastfeeding

Should I prepare my nipples?

To prepare for your new baby your nipples may also change during pregnancy. The darker area around your nipples, called the areola, will release oil to naturally lubricate your nipples. This oil also smells of amniotic fluid, the liquid that surrounds your unborn baby in the womb during pregnancy. Your baby will recognise this as a familiar smell and be comforted and reassured by it, especially in the first days after birth.