The first 1,000 days of your baby’s life (the time between when you get pregnant and your baby’s second birthday) are really important for the human brain. Your baby’s brain is developing really quickly, the quickest that it will grow during their lifetime.

A baby’s brain develops better if they feel safe and secure. This is true when a baby is still inside their mother’s tummy and once they are born. Bonding with your baby starts right from pregnancy and it’s never to early to start. For you and your partner, you have a vital role in supporting your baby’s brain development.

Baby development

Responding to your baby keeps their stress levels low and raises levels of the love hormone oxytocin.  Oxytocin helps calm your baby and makes them feel secure and loved. It’s also a fertiliser for the brain, helping your baby’s brain to grow. Breastfed babies cannot be overfed so you can use breastfeeding to soothe your baby and as a way of spending time together, or having a rest whenever you both want.

The short animation videos below that were created by Medway midwives Jo and Trude show the simple ways in which you can help ‘Grow Your Baby’s Brain’ starting in pregnancy. Research shows that babies who feel safe and secure experience better brain development, even when they’re still inside their mother’s tummy. Simple actions like singing to your baby, stroking or talking to your bump, helps your little one to feel loved and safe.

For more information on Grow My Brain and why it's so important for baby

Grow my brain